New Year Exercise: Reflections + Intentions
reflect + dream
a lot can happen in just one year!
Happy December!
I love that in December, we all have a chance to celebrate the light that can exist, (or that we can make ourselves), in darkness. Despite it being the beginning of winter, our hours of daylight are increasing which is very exciting!
In December I love taking a little bit of time to reflect on the past year. I recommend this to all of my violin students.
You can use the following questions to reflect on your violin practice or really anything!
Try answering these questions on your own and save them to look at in one year. You can also do this with a friend or with family and share your answers with each other! Speaking our dreams and goals out loud can be very powerful.
What were you working on in January 2019?
Did 2019 progress as you expected?
Did you set goals and did you achieve them?
What is something you did that you are proud of?
What got in the way of your practice or your goals?
Do you have any beliefs about yourself that you can leave behind in 2019?
How do you want to feel in December 2020?
Write down 5 things you are happy or proud that you did in 2019. (some examples: performed a solo recital, enjoyed practicing, worked on vibrato, tried a new form of exercise)
Write down 3 goals for 2020! (some examples: record an album, meditate and stretch before practicing, compose a piece of music)
A lot can happen in just one year! What do you want to happen?